Event Date: 
Wednesday, August 1

All August 2012 Events

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(Dave's sign reads, "Can a 17-year-old produce a concert for 8,000 people?)

According to organizer, 17-year-old Dane Kunkel, this will be the most amazing, rockin', hoppin’, electronic dance music concert ever! Dane is going into his senior year at The Pennington School, NJ, and is a professional DJ, known as DJ KunK. Dane wanted to use what he loves doing – deejaying – and also give back to others in need. So he started BeachGlow: Concerts for Charity.

With this BeachGlow concert, Dane decided to fulfill his dream of holding a concert for a massive audience, and donating the profit to a cause that’s close to him. He is producing the concert for 8,000 people and holding it at an arena near his hometown. His goal is ambitious - to raise $100,000 for The Breast Cancer Research Foundation! Nationally and globally recognized talent that includes electronic DJs, mashup DJs, hip-hop artists, and pop artists will be some of the talent in the lineup.

Visit Dane's page at Indiegogo and read more about this wonderful event, and how Dane needs help raising expense funds so that the concert can be realized. Dane has created some amazing Perks, which include a ticket to the concert. Check them out and help Dane succeed!