Event Date: 
Thursday, July 14

All July 2011 Events

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The WWR Conga IV Riders are heading for Shell from all over the U.S. and from Canada!

Help Conga IV kick cancer to the curb! If you cannot attend the Shell, WY festivities, you can support Conga IV through BCRF's Time For Research program, where they have created the Conga IV Ride For A Cure page to raise funds!

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The event schedule includes:

Thursday - Pancake breakfast and Poker Run during the day through some of the most scenic Big Horn country roads imaginable
Friday - morning ride (possibly Yellowstone) and Seniors Center
Saturday - Ride from Cody to Shell, Auction and Dance
Sunday - Church services in downtown Shell, plus fossil hunt

Full details and schedule for the Conga IV Ride event can be found at www.rideforracks.info

About Conga IV

The Conga Ride started when a gal bought a bike about 5000 miles from her home. All she wanted to do was have friends join her on the ride home. Everyone had such a blast they wanted to do it again the following year. Interestingly enough, her husband wanted to buy a bike from the same folks and she rode it home for him, with the qualifier that they would ride with purpose and raise money to fight breast cancer. She bought a pink leather vest and off they went. They raised 12K.

In 2010, we had our first "meet in the middle" ride in Cheyenne which was a huge success and all those folks who only got to ride a short time along the "homeward route" were able to meet each other. Survivors were able to share their story and celebrate by riding the Ride. We raised over 36K. Along the way, our Conga Queen found some folks in Shell, WY who were good to her, the cause, and supported the Conga by holding their own fundraiser. Therefore, in 2011, we are meeting in Shell for the big meet-up and celebration.Yea Shell!

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