Event Date: 
Saturday, May 7

All May 2011 Events

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Lead Text: 

Named in memory of Yvonne Young Esworthy, the Fun Walk/Run will take place on Saturday, May 7, 2011. Registration begins at 9:00am at the Nature Center, and walkers and runners will set off at 10:00am.

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We invite you to continue Yvonne's fight against breast cancer, honoring her gracious spirit and determination. The Breast Cancer Research Foundation is proud, once again, to be the beneficiary of this event.

Online Registration is now open - sign up early!

Register as a Family
Register Individuals (multiple adults and children)
Register as a Sponsor

About Yvonne
Yvonne's husband, Scott Esworthy, writes:

"Yvonne Young Esworthy died at the age of 36 from breast cancer. She was first diagnosed at age 33, when our son, Eric, was just 2. If this awful disease could take Yvonne from us, it can take anyone. She was a smart, successful, beautiful, soft-spoken, athletic, avid runner and very healthy person, both physically and emotionally. She had no family history of breast cancer. Breast cancer picked her, attacked her and took her life in a little over 3 years.

"While taking chemo, Yvonne participated in a 3-day charity event, walking 8 miles each day. The second night, after walking 16 miles in two days, she got up and started to dance with everyone after dinner. She was asked how could she do it and she said, "It's your attitude." She said you simply change your "attitude."

"When I feel down and things are not going my way, I try to think what Yvonne would do with one more healthy day on earth. It helps me change my attitude and make the most out of each day. I hope your participation in her event will help you make the most out of this day."